Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Food Study Essay

Food Study Essay Food Study Essay Physiological Physiological factors affect the body’s need and desire for food. If the body is to remain healthy and function correctly it must have adequate amounts of food containing the essential nutrients. Hunger Picture Hunger may be defined as that feeling of emptiness, weakness or pain caused by a lack of food. It becomes more intense as time passes, until we are able to think of little else but food. For those suffering extreme hunger, relieving the body of this pain is the focus of life. Hunger is controlled by a small gland in the base of the brain called the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus has a number of functions in the body, and works closely with the pituitary gland to: control body temperature regulate appetite, thirst and body fluids induce sleep and wakefulness control the release of growth and sex hormones from various glands throughout the body. Appetite Appetite is the desire for food even when the body is not hungry. Appetite can be triggered by the sight of appetising food, the aroma of food in preparation, and even the mention of food in conversation. The hypothalamus registers these cues from the senses and sends messages to the brain which encourage you to think about food. The salivary glands are stimulated and produce extra fluid: your mouth then begins to water. Unlike hunger, if appetite is not satisfied it will eventually go away. Nutritional requirements Picture Many of us select food that is nutritious because we know that we will feel and stay healthy. The food we eat should provide essential nutrients that the body can absorb, and metabolise. There are five different categories for nutritional requirements they are body size/type, age, level of activity, gender and health status. Body size/type are the nutritional requirements of different sized human bodies vary. Individuals who have larger builds require more nutrients to maintain and operate their body processes. Similarly, those with a smaller body size require less protein for the maintenance and repair of body tissues because their body mass is less. Age The human body undergoes specific growth stages throughout life. An infant’s body has an enlarged head, and the arms and legs are short in relation to the rest of the body. Early childhood sees dramatic changes in body proportions. The arms increase in length and muscle tone, which allows for greater movement and coordination, and the legs extend to make up half the body’s height. The period of growth and development continues throughout adolescence until the body attains a more adult form.Because nutrients carry out specific functions within the body, the amount of nutrients needed by an individual is regulated by the growth processes. Level of activity is determined by an individual who is physically active needs to consume more energy ­giving foods than an individual who leads a sedentary (less active) life. A sedentary person requires less of all nutrients than an active person. If an individual consumes large quantities of energy but does not move around much, the body stores the excess as adipose tissue (fat). Gender The sex of an individual also determines their nutrient requirements. Biological activities such as menstruation and childbirth mean that women need to have a higher dietary intake of iron and calcium. Men have

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Ciudadana americana por servir en el Ejrcito de USA

Ciudadana americana por servir en el Ejrcito de USA En reconocimiento al servicio prestado a Estados Unidos, los militares no ciudadanos pueden solicitar la ciudadanà ­a Americana por un procedimiento especial. En realidad, hay dos tipos de caminos, uno el regular, que aplica a casi todos los militares y otro especial para profesionales a travà ©s del MAVNI. Adems, en este artà ­culo se informa sobre quà © extranjeros pueden servir en el Ejà ©rcito y cules son los posibles beneficios migratorios para los familiares inmediatos de militares. Tramitacià ³n regular para militares para adquirir la ciudadanà ­a por naturalizacià ³n El servicio al paà ­s debe haber sido en: Ejà ©rcito de Tierra, Mar, Aire, Marines y Guardia Costera, asà ­ como ciertos miembros del Cuerpo de Reserva y de la Guardia Nacional. Estos son los trmites que se deben realizar: Rellenar el formulario N-400.Permitir que se tomen sus huellas digitales y rellenar el formulario de datos personales B-325B.Proporcionar dos fotografà ­as.Poseer buen carcter moral.Probar conocimientos suficientes del idioma ingles.Aprobar un test sobre conocimientos cà ­vicos e histà ³ricos sobre los Estados Unidos.Y si fueran residentes permanentes legales, proporcionar una copia de la green card. Para cumplimentar estos formularios el Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Naturalizacià ³n (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) ha entrenado a funcionarios para atender especialmente a los militares que pueden llamar al 1-877-CIS-4MIL. Adems, cada instalacià ³n militar cuenta con una persona especialmente designada para ayudar con este proceso a los militares que asà ­ lo deseen. Caracterà ­sticas especiales de la solicitud de ciudadanà ­a para los militares Los militares no tienen que tener presencia fà ­sica o residir en Estados Unidos.No pagan las tarifas por tramitacià ³n del formulario N-400.No pagan la tarifa por tramitacià ³n de formulario de datos personales y huellas digitales B-325B.En determinados periodos designados oficialmente como de hostilidades, los militares pueden solicitar convertirse en ciudadanos por naturalizacià ³n de Estados Unidos aunque no sean residentes permanentes.Desde 2004 es posible solicitar, tramitar, realizar la ceremonia de naturalizacià ³n y jurar lealtad a los Estados Unidos en el extranjero.Es posible recibir la ciudadanà ­a tras haber fallecido cuando militares fallezcan a consecuencia de enfermedades o heridas recibidas durante hostilidades, incluyendo los casos de muerte en combate. La solicitud de la ciudadanà ­a pà ³stuma debe ser solicitada por los familiares directos del difunto en los dos aà ±os siguientes a su fallecimiento. Cundo pueden los militares pedir la naturalizacià ³n Durante tiempo de paz, la solicitud puede presentarse si se es residente permanente, se ha servido con honor al menos por un aà ±o, y se sigue estando active en el Ejà ©rcito o se presenta la peticià ³n dentro de los seis meses siguientes a dejar de prestar servicio. En tiempo de Guerra, cualquier extranjero que sirve en el Ejà ©rcito puede presentar la solicitud para hacerse ciudadano en cualquier momento. Una orden ejecutiva presidencial es la que determina en cada momento si existe o no esta situacià ³n. Procedimiento especial para adquirir la ciudadanà ­a a travà ©s del programa MAVNI Este es un programa que se extiende anualmente y permite a ciertos profesionales que se comprometen con el Ejà ©rcito adquirir la ciudadanà ­a americana de forma muy rpida, frecuentemente en cuestià ³n de apenas unas semanas. Pero,  ¿quà © extranjeros pueden servir en el Ejà ©rcito de los Estados Unidos? En la actualidad, estas son las reglas. Y estas son las especà ­ficas que aplican a las personas extranjeras que residen en USA en situacià ³n migratoria de indocumentadas. Familiares de militares ciudadanos que han fallecido El viudo o viuda, los hijos y los padres de un soldado ciudadano, incluidos los casos de ciudadanà ­as concedidas despuà ©s del fallecimiento, pueden solicitar la ciudadanà ­a Americana para sà ­ mismos. En estos casos, no es necesaria la residencia o presencia fà ­sica en EEUU.  Asimismo, hay que destacar que el viudo o viuda de un militar americano podr solicitar la naturalizacià ³n incluso si se vuelve a casar. Beneficios migratorios para indocumentados Los indocumentados que son familiares inmediatos de soldados, oficiales, reservistas o veteranos podrà ­an beneficiarse del programa conocido como Parole in Place que otorga proteccià ³n frente a la deportacià ³n y es un camino hacia la regularizacià ³n. A tener en cuenta Aunque tradicionalmente la participacià ³n de los hispanos en el Ejà ©rcito ha sido inferior en relacià ³n a su porcentaje en la poblacià ³n estadounidense en general lo cierto es que en las à ºltimas dà ©cadas esta tendencia ha comenzado a cambiar, particularmente entre las mujeres. Y es que en la actualidad aproximadamente el 16 por ciento de los nuevos soldados son hispanos, sin duda atraà ­dos no sà ³lo por la posibilidad de servir a los Estados Unidos sino tambià ©n por los beneficios e incentivos de los que es posible disfrutar. Tener en cuenta que si se toma ventaja e algunos beneficios, como es la obtencià ³n de la ciudadanà ­a por naturalizacià ³n por haber servido en el Ejà ©rcito, à ©sta puede ser revocada si el militar dejar de prestar sus servicios militares en condiciones no honorables y no ha servido con honor al menos un total de cinco aà ±os. Finalmente, haber servido con honor en el Ejà ©rcito es uno de los requisitos que los Dreamers pueden cumplir para solicitar el beneficio de la accià ³n diferida  (DACA), esto para casos antiguos porque en los à ºltimos aà ±os no es posible para indocumentados servir en el Ejà ©rcito, excepto precisamente   los que tienen DACA aprobado. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Opinion paper about the professional nurses role in the business of Research

Opinion about the professional nurses role in the business of health care - Research Paper Example Nurses having the financial information will mean that the patients will be able to be provided with the financial information directly. Nurses will be able to explain the cost of treatments to the patients before they chose the best treatment costs as well as enable them develop a payment plan for those in palliative care whose treatment costs are very expensive (Malloch & Porter-O’Grady, 2013). The hospital administrator is the one who receives all the information about the finances in the hospital from the finance department reports. The administrator is in charge of the staff and since he holds the report from the finance, he is in a better position to impart that knowledge to them which can then be transferred to the clients (Wolper, 2010). The administrator has the authority from the board to discipline any staff that does not follow the directives and the staff is aware of this and hence once they get the economic knowledge, they try all they can to provide the same to the clients without any

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Testing Analog and Mixed Signal Circuits With Built In Hardware Research Paper

Testing Analog and Mixed Signal Circuits With Built In Hardware - Research Paper Example Before beginning definite manufacturing of high-volume products, the testing, designing, assessment of the prototypes are important. Furthermore, the comprehensive inspection of the manufactured products must be done in order to ensure the availability of high quality and defect free product. Eventually the cost of the product can be minimized by providing the required information during the manufacturing process. The fabrication procedure of the integrated-circuit (IC) comprises doping steps, etching, printing and photolithography. The reason for the collapse of an individual integrated-circuit (IC) is the imperfect steps related to the fabrication process. Above all, the mixed-signal ICs are more responsive towards steps imperfections thus, resulting in low performance of circuits. However, these imperfections are insignificant in the digital - circuit domain but as compared to the mixed-signal circuits, imperfections among the traces in structure of small capacitance can cause a significant change in the circuit performance. For this reason, the sensitivity behavior of the circuit also improved due to the reduction of the circuit geometry. Hence, before shipping it to the customers every single IC is being thoroughly checked. This priority testing of ICs enhances the final quality of the product without affecting its brilliance. In addition, this quality check also ensures the excellence of the product and its design, during the key phase of the product development once put into practice. The detailed and long tests are being performed during the process of implementation of the ICs due to the small imperfection of the high sensitivity of mixed-signal circuits resulting in the high testing cost. Now researchers are looking forward to merge the testing process of both analog and the digital-circuit via analog signals to divert digital circuits or by utilizing digital signals for example, serial bit stream in order to divert the analog signals. The analog-test methods are not fully developed, therefore restricted access is suffered by mixed-signal specially; the shrinking dimensions with the high integration densities in the development of semi-conductor technology. On the other hand, the test systems related to the digital devices are well maintained and developed. However, the benefits are taken from the advancement and knowledge of digital-test by the analog and mixe d-signal test, because they are far away from the latest development regarding testing procedures. Another reason for the failure of the analog testing system is the deficiency of the implementation of a testing procedure for example, Standard Fault Model, however, approximately all the digital test methods rely on stuck-fault model thus, with the help of their fault reporting, the test generation algorithms are estimated. This model is simply accepted for the functional test as compared to the performance test, it is not accepted. The sources of complexity during the testing procedures of analog

Sunday, November 17, 2019

HCR210 record formats Essay Example for Free

HCR210 record formats Essay Source oriented medical record (SOR), is a traditional patient record format that organizes information about a patients care according to the source of documentation within the record. Patient records are filed under their specific sectionalized areas in chronological order. Many medical facilities use this format. One of the advantages is that it is easy to locate documents. For example, if a physician needs to reference a recent lab report, it can easily be found in the laboratory section of the record. Another advantage is that same source documents can be filed together. Some of the disadvantages of the SOR format is that filing reports can be time consuming, several sections within a record need to be created and it can be difficult to follow one diagnosis. The Problem oriented medical record (POR), was developed by Lawrence Weed in an effort to improve the organization of patient records. This format is a more systematic method of documentation, which consists of four components, database; problem list; initial plan and progress notes. The POR record also utilizes the SOAP structure (subjective, objective, assessment, plan). The database serves as an overview of patient information such as chief complaint, present conditions and diagnoses, social data; past, personal, medical, and social history, review of systems, physical examination and baseline laboratory data. The problem list is filed at the beginning of the patient record and serves as a table of contents, containing a list of all the patient’s problems. Each problem is numbered, which aids in indexing documentation throughout the record. The initial plan, describes what actions will be taken to learn more about the patient’s condition according to three categories, diagnostic/management and therapeutic plans as well as patient education. The discharge summary is documented in the progress note section of the POR, and summarizes patient care, treatment, response and condition. If a patient is transferred, a transfer note is also documented. Some advantages of using the POR are that it is very organized, it facilitates patient treatment and education and that all documentation is linked to specific problem. Some disadvantages are that filing this format is time consuming, it requires specific training and that all data associated with more than one problem must be documented several times. The Integrated record format arranges reports in strict chronological date order or in reverse date order. This format allows for observation of how the patient is progressing and responds to treatment based on and according to test results. Most hospitals integrate physician and ancillary progress notes only, requiring progress note entries to be clearly identified by discipline, which needs to be identified at the beginning of each progress note, (i.e. dietary). The advantages of using this format is that it is easy to use, it is less time consuming to file reports and all information on care is filed together. Some disadvantages of this format are that it is difficult to compare as well as retrieve information from the same discipline.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Wallace Stegners Wilderness Letter Essay -- Nature Conservation Essay

In Wallace Stegner’s â€Å"Wilderness Letter,† he is arguing that the countries wilderness and forests need to be saved. For a person to become whole, Stegner argues that the mere idea of the wild and the forests are to thank. The wilderness needs to be saved for the sake of the idea. He insinuates that anyone in America can just think of Old faithful, Mt. Rainier, or any other spectacular landform, even if they have not visited there, and brought to a calm. These thoughts he argues are what makes us as people whole. The wilderness can be used to measure against the man made world, a â€Å"scientific yardstick.† Throughout the entire piece he is arguing that the importance is not what we can actually see or touch, but what we think of and how we think of the wild. This letter is being written to inform them of what would be missing without the wilderness. Those who think fondly of the Grand Canyon or the Everglades and have never been there are merely working from the idea, but those who have been there know what it has to offer and therefore receive the calming and sobering state of mind Stegner refers to. He believes that the wilderness has helped form us and that if we allow industrialization to push through the people of our nation will have lost part of themselves; they will have lost the part of themselves that was formed by the wilderness â€Å"idea.† Once the forests are destroyed they will have nothing to look back at or to remind them of where they came from or what was, and he argues everyone need to preserve all of what we have now. In Stegner’s perception, humans are the only wild species left. Humans are the only ones who have survived genetically unchanged. They are the ones who create the technological advan... ...rt of life as it once was and the acres of land to run on are few and far between, but losing that hasn’t made people bitter. Humans make themselves bitter when they fill their days and the days of their children with activity after activity and don’t stop and take time for each other. The entire letter was written on the premise that nature should be saved for the sake of the thought, not for what it could tactilely do for people. If you are going to have a clear-cut, concise idea about what nature is, enough of one for it to be a sobering idea, you would have to be out there in it at some point. You may have a thought but you don’t know and therefore it isn’t what is holding you together as a whole. The letter has some genuine concerns for the wildlife and forests and the wilderness itself, but it is just that, a letter voicing Wallace Stegner’s concerns.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

British “Raj” in India

British Raj is associated with British rule in the Indian subcontinent. The period embraces 1858-1947. The region which we call India nowadays was under the rule of the United Kingdom and was called the British Indian Empire. Great Britain started to expand its power in India in the beginning of the 1800s and in the middle India was under the full control of the British Empire. Nevertheless, India tried to rebel against expansion and the Indian Rebellion of 1857 appeared to be a turning point in the British history in Indian region.India tried to resist British rule as Britain provided their life standards which contradicted Indian way of life. For example, the British Empire provided cow fat and pork which were unacceptable for Hinduism being practiced in India. Nevertheless, the rebellion had failed and the British Empire provided a number of reforms which included recruitment of Indians into the civil service and tolerance of religion. The reforms aimed at preventing further refor ms through conciliation and to strengthen the British military.Many historians argue that the British Empire didn’t try to take full control over the Indian region, but when rebellion started to threaten British interest, it had to step in. McNamara writes that â€Å"resentment toward the British had been building for some time and new policies which allowed the British to annex some areas of India exacerbated tensions†. (McNamara, 1998) The office of the Viceroy became the first embodiment of the new British Raj in India. When Prime Minister Disraeli proclaimed Queen Victoria as â€Å"Empress of India† in 1876, the affection the British crown felt for its colony.Throughout the remainder of the 19th century the British Raj continued and was characterized by unpopular policies caused emergence of series of Indian nationalist movements. Only after 1947 India had managed to gain certain independence and sovereignty from the British Empire. In 1947 the British India n Empire was divided into the union of India and the Dominion of Pakistan. Bibliography McNamara, Robert. 1998. â€Å"The British Raj Defined India Throughout the 1800s†. Database on-line. Available from http://history1800s. about. com/od/thebritishempire/tp/indiatimeline01. htm

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Matching Leadership Style to a Situation Essay

MATCHING LEADERSHIP TO A SITUATION Leadership Styles Choosing the Right Style for the Situation From Mahatma Gandhi and Winston Churchill to Martin Luther King and Steve Jobs, there can seem to be as many ways to lead people as there are leaders. Fortunately, businesspeople and psychologists have developed useful, simple ways to describe the main styles of leadership. By understanding these styles and their impact, you can develop your own approach to leadership and become a more effective leader and school head as well. We’ll look at common leadership styles in this article, and we’ll explore situations where these styles may be effective with your people. (Note: The leadership styles in this article are based on several core leadership frameworks.) Adapting Your Approach to Leadership Leadership is not â€Å"one size fits all† thing; often, you must adapt your style to fit a situation or a specific group. This is why it’s useful to gain a thorough understanding of other leadership styles; after all, the more approaches you’re familiar with, the more tools you’ll be able to use to lead effectively. Let’s take a deeper look at some of the leadership styles that you can use. 1. Transactional Leadership This leadership style starts with the idea that team members agree to obey their leader when they accept a job. The â€Å"transaction† usually involves the organization paying team members in return for their effort and compliance. The leader has a right to â€Å"punish† team members if their work doesn’t meet an appropriate standard. Although this might sound controlling and paternalistic, transactional  leadership offers some benefits. For one, this leadership style clarifies everyone’s roles and responsibilities. Another benefit is that, because transactional leadership judges team members on performance, people who are ambitious or who are motivated by external rewards – including compensation – often thrive. The downside of this leadership style is that team members can do little to improve their job satisfaction. It can feel stifling, and it can lead to high staff turnover. Transactional leadership is really a type of management, not a true leadership style, because the focus is on short-term tasks. It has serious limitations for knowledge-based or creative work. However, it can be effective in other situations. 2. Autocratic Leadership Autocratic leadership is an extreme form of transactional leadership, where leaders have complete power over their people. Staff and team members have little opportunity to make suggestions, even if these would be in the team’s or the organization’s best interest. The benefit of autocratic leadership is that it’s incredibly efficient. Decisions are made quickly, and work gets done. The downside is that most people resent being treated this way. Therefore, autocratic leadership often leads to high levels of absenteeism and high staff turnover. However, the style can be effective for some routine and unskilled jobs: in these situations, the advantages of control may outweigh the disadvantages. Autocratic leadership is often best used in crises, when decisions must be made quickly and without dissent. For instance, the military often uses an autocratic leadership style; top commanders are responsible for quickly making complex decisions, which allows troops to focus their attention and energy on performing their allotted tasks and missions. 3. Bureaucratic Leadership Bureaucratic leaders work â€Å"by the book.† They follow rules rigorously, and ensure that their people follow procedures precisely. This is an appropriate leadership style for work involving serious safety risks (such as working with machinery, with toxic substances, or at dangerous heights) or where large sums of money are involved. Bureaucratic leadership is also useful in organizations where employees do routine tasks (as in manufacturing). The downside of this leadership style is that it’s ineffective in teams and organizations that rely on flexibility, creativity, or innovation. Much of the time, bureaucratic leaders achieve their position because of their ability to conform to and uphold rules, not because of their qualifications or expertise. This can cause resentment when team members don’t value their expertise or advice. 4. Charismatic Leadership/ Pace-setting Leadership A charismatic leadership style can resemble transformational leadership because these leaders inspire enthusiasm in their teams and are energetic in motivating others to move forward. This excitement and commitment from teams is an enormous benefit. The difference between charismatic leaders and transformational leaders lies in their intention. Transformational leaders want to transform their teams and organizations. Charismatic leaders are often focused on themselves, and may not want to change anything. The downside to charismatic leaders is that they can believe more in themselves than in their teams. This can create the risk that a project or even an entire organization might collapse if the leader leaves. A charismatic leader might believe that she can do no wrong, even when others are warning her about the path she’s on; this feeling of invincibility can ruin a team or an organization. Also, in the followers’ eyes, success is directly connected to the presence of the charismatic leader. As such, charismatic leadership carries great responsibility, and it needs a long-term commitment from the leader. 5. Democratic/Participative Leadership Democratic leaders make the final decisions, but they include team members in the decision-making process. They encourage creativity, and team members are often highly engaged in projects and decisions. There are many benefits of democratic leadership. Team members tend to have high job satisfaction and are productive because they’re more involved in decisions. This style also helps develop people’s skills. Team members feel in control of their destiny, so they’re motivated to work hard by more than just a financial reward. Because participation takes time, this approach can slow decision-making, but the result is often good. The approach can be most suitable when working as a team is essential, and when quality is more important than efficiency or productivity. The downside of democratic leadership is that it can often hinder situations where speed or efficiency is essential. For instance, during a crisis, a team can waste valuable time gathering people’s input. Another downside is that some team members might not have the knowledge or expertise to provide high quality input. 6. Laissez-Faire Leadership This French phrase means â€Å"leave it be,† and it describes leaders who allow their people to work on their own. This type of leadership can also occur naturally, when managers don’t have sufficient control over their work and their people. Laissez-faire leaders may give their teams complete freedom to do their work and set their own deadlines. They provide team support with resources and advice, if needed, but otherwise don’t get involved. This leadership style can be effective if the leader monitors performance and gives feedback to team members regularly. It is most likely to be effective when individual team members are experienced, skilled, self-starters. The  main benefit of laissez-faire leadership is that giving team members so much autonomy can lead to high job satisfaction and increased productivity. The downside is that it can be damaging if team members don’t manage their time well or if they don’t have the knowledge, skills, or motivation to do their work effectively. 7. Task-Oriented Leadership Task-oriented leaders focus only on getting the job done and can be autocratic. They actively define the work and the roles required, put structures in place, and plan, organize, and monitor work. These leaders also perform other key tasks, such as creating and maintaining standards for performance. The benefit of task-oriented leadership is that it ensures that deadlines are met, and it’s especially useful for team members who don’t manage their time well. However, because task-oriented leaders don’t tend to think much about their team’s well-being, this approach can suffer many of the flaws of autocratic leadership, including causing motivation and retention problems. 8. People-Oriented/Relations-Oriented Leadership With people-oriented leadership, leaders are totally focused on organizing, supporting, and developing the people on their teams. This is a participatory style and tends to encourage good teamwork and creative collaboration. This is the opposite of task-oriented leadership. People-oriented leaders treat everyone on the team equally. They’re friendly and approachable, they pay attention to the welfare of everyone in the group, and they make themselves available whenever team members need help or advice. The benefit of this leadership style is that people-oriented leaders create teams that everyone wants to be part of. Team members are often more productive and willing to take risks, because they know that the leader will  provide support if they need it. The downside is that some leaders can take this approach too far; they may put the development of their team above tasks or project directives. 9. Servant Leadership This term, created by Robert Greenleaf in the 1970s, describes a leader often not formally recognized as such. When someone at any level within an organization leads simply by meeting the needs of the team, he or she can be described as a â€Å"servant leader.† Servant leaders often lead by example. They have high integrity and lead with generosity. In many ways, servant leadership is a form of democratic leadership because the whole team tends to be involved in decision making. However, servant leaders often â€Å"lead from behind,† preferring to stay out of the limelight and letting their team accept recognition for their hard work. Supporters of the servant leadership model suggest that it’s a good way to move ahead in a world where values are increasingly important, and where servant leaders can achieve power because of their values, ideals, and ethics. This is an approach that can help to create a positive corporate culture and can lead to high morale among team members. However, other people believe that in competitive leadership situations, people who practice servant leadership can find themselves left behind by leaders using other leadership styles. This leadership style also takes time to apply correctly: it’s ill-suited in situations where you have to make quick decisions or meet tight deadlines. Although you can use servant leadership in many situations, it’s often most practical in politics, or in positions where leaders are elected to serve a team, committee, organization, or community. 10. Transformational Leadership/Visionary Leadership Transformational leaders are inspiring because they expect the best from everyone on their team as well as themselves. This leads to high  productivity and engagement from everyone in their team. The downside of transformational leadership is that while the leader’s enthusiasm is passed onto the team, he or she can need to be supported by â€Å"detail people.† That’s why, in many organizations, both transactional and transformational leadership styles are useful. Transactional leaders (or managers) ensure that routine work is done reliably, while transformational leaders look after initiatives that add new value. It’s also important to use other leadership styles when necessary – this will depend on the people you’re leading and the situation that you’re in. Conclusion: Three factors that influence which leadership style to use 1.The school head’s personal background: †¢What personality, knowledge, values, ethics, and experiences does the school head have? †¢What does he or she think will work? 2.Teachers being supervised: Teachers with different personalities and backgrounds; The leadership style used will vary depending upon the individual teacher and what he or she will respond best to. 3.The organization: The traditions, values, philosophy, school vision and mission, concerns of the organization and all situational factors influence how a school head acts No one style of leadership fits all situations. All situations are different. What you do in one situation will not always work in another. There are many leadership styles from which to choose. Different styles were needed for different situations and each leader needed to know when to exhibit a particular approach so it helps to have an understanding of other styles. A leader must use his or her judgment to decide the best course of action and the leadership style needed for each situation. For example you may need to confront a teacher for inappropriate behavior, but the confrontation is too late or too early, too harsh or too weak, then the results may prove ineffective. By learning about the pros and cons of each style, one can adapt an approach to a situation. Also note that the situation normally has a greater effect on a leader’s action than his or  her traits. This is because while traits may have an impressive stability over a period of time, they have little consistency across situations. As a school head he or she must be a Task-oriented Leader to perform best in situations of high and low control, and a Relationship-oriented Leader to perform best in moderate control situations. Behavior is a mirror in which Everyone shows his image.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Chopping Off Syllables

Chopping Off Syllables Chopping Off Syllables Chopping Off Syllables By Maeve Maddox Heres a fab app for keeping track of your lab info docs, vocab lists, and rehab meds. English speakers have been lopping syllables off words for centuries. And thank goodness for that when it comes to such mouthfuls as taximeter-cabriolet and streptococcus. Id much rather call a cab or a taxi and talk about avoiding strep-throat. I cant help wondering, though, if the English spoken a generation or two in the future will consist of staccato sentences in which words of one and two syllables predominate. Here are some shortenings already in common use: doc document. exam examination fab fabulous graph paragraph info information lab laboratory meds medications op opinion/operative/opportunity promo promotion (with meaning of advertising) prep preparation rehab rehabilitation sax saxophone vac vacuum (Ive also seen it used as a shortened form of vacation, but I dont know how that vac is supposed to be pronounced.) vet veterinarian or veteran vocab vocabulary Some of these shortenings, even the ones I use in my own speech, bother me when I see them in formal writing. Others dont faze me because Ive grown used to them. Thats the way of change in language. What infuriates one generation of speakers is mothers milk to the next. I recall reading a novel written in the early 20th centuryby Booth Tarkington (1869-1946) I thinkin which a young man is chided by one of his parents for using the slangy word lunch instead of luncheon. Nowadays lunch is the common word for a meal between breakfast and supper. The word luncheon has not fallen completely out of use, but has acquired an altered meaning. My associations with luncheon include fussy repasts provided by and for ladies in flowered hats, and SPAM luncheon meat. Is the shortening of words a bad thing? Not necessarily, butdepending upon the intended audiencewriters should probably give some thought to which shortened forms they promote by committing them to print. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Avoid Beginning a Sentence with â€Å"With†Select vs. SelectedHow often is "bimonthly"?

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

10 Tacky Terms

10 Tacky Terms 10 Tacky Terms 10 Tacky Terms By Mark Nichol The English language teems with terminology for referring to ostentation or bad taste, or both. Here are ten words that help readers imagine imagery that they perhaps would rather not think about: 1. Flashy The connotations of this adjectival form of flash are of fleeting, superficial attractiveness and showy, tasteless fashion and/or fashion accessories. 2. Garish The origin of this word meaning â€Å"vivid, bright, flashy† is unknown; it may come from a word meaning â€Å"to stare.† 3. Gaudy This term, with a disputed etymology (perhaps from the Latin word gaudium, meaning â€Å"joy,† or from a reference to trickery from the same source), means â€Å"tastelessly or extravagantly showy, outlandish.† 4. Kitschy The direct borrowing of kitsch from German, as with the acquisition of many other loanwords, met a need: Although other terms are this list are near synonyms of kitsch, it’s difficult in English to capture the essence of kitsch without using the word. The term originated in response to efforts of the German middle class in the nineteenth century to emulate their social superiors through art and architecture; in many cases, they succeeded only in inferior imitation. That sense has persisted intact for 150 years with the additional connotation of consumer items produced under the pretense that they are artistic creations but treated as commodities. (People who embrace the irony of appreciating kitsch and collect kitschy products are in effect partly legitimizing the items as art.) 5. Meretricious This word has an etymological connection to merit, but its meaning is diametrically opposite. It stems from the Latin word for prostitute and, like merit, means â€Å"to earn.† It refers to a relationship based solely on exchange of value, and because of the superficial and ostentatious nature of practitioners of the oldest profession, it has acquired the additional connotation of cheap showiness. Meretricious is also sometimes used as a synonym for pretentious. 6. Purple There’s an interesting line of connotation for this word: Because of the difficulty of obtaining purple dye from a certain shellfish in ancient times, it was reserved for royalty, and later was long limited to use by aristocratic classes. Thus, it came to be associated with those with very high social standing and, naturally, their attendant sophistication. But the resulting association of the color with ostentatiousness led to a connotation of overbearing effort, especially in writing hence, â€Å"purple prose.† 7. Sleazy Two early meanings of this word are â€Å"hairy or fuzzy† and â€Å"flimsy,† but only the latter sense has survived, while still other connotations have come to dominate. The primary meanings now are â€Å"sexually provocative† or â€Å"of low quality,† the latter referring to both character and construction. 8. Tacky This nineteenth-century slang term for a low-class person was extended to describe anything that is ill-bred, shabby, in poor taste, or cheaply constructed. It most often refers to a cheap taste in fashion or decor. 9. Tawdry As is the case with purple, this term has made a downwardly mobile trajectory. According to tradition, Audrey, queen of a kingdom in what is now England, found religion late in life when she surmised that her vanity led to a deadly condition. The Catholic Church canonized her, and at an annual fair commemorating Saint Audry, cheap lace necklaces were sold in her honor. These came to be known as â€Å"’t Audrey’s lace,† later altered to â€Å"tawdry lace.† Now, tawdry is a synonym for cheap or showy. It has, however, also acquired a sense of â€Å"base, low, mean,† as in the clichà © â€Å"a tawdry affair.† 10. Two-Bit This adjective meaning â€Å"cheap† comes from the slang term for a twenty-five-cent piece. The reference originates with the real, a Spanish coin that could be divided into eight pieces (hence â€Å"pieces of eight† in pirate lore). Each bit was worth one-eighth of the coin’s value; transferred to American currency, two bits is worth a quarter. In either currency, two bits ain’t worth much. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Idioms About TalkingConnotations of 35 Words for Funny People15 Idioms for Periods of Time

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Autobiography of Rugby Player Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Autobiography of Rugby Player - Essay Example I was so afraid that I did not want to be at fault and be blamed by my teammates if the play fails. I feared to take the responsibility of helping the team because I feared to make a mistake and these were just practices. This aspect of my behavior defined all my first-year life at high school life. I stayed away from asking any question in class for I thought other students and the teacher could consider them too stupid and laugh at me. Nevertheless, I practiced daily and by the time I was home I was so exhausted. My fearful anticipation continued as I continued to be afraid to be given some playing minutes even in a situation that a player is injured even if there was daylight between the opponents and us on the scoreboard. The creams from the coaches and my colleagues made me scared how they could scream at me in the event I make a mistake. Sometimes I was the only option left for the coach at the bench and these fears came true as the scream that was coming from all sides of the pitch were so loud and many that I lost my concentration and these led me to make many more silly mistakes. But thanks to God, most of the time my mistakes did not have big impacts to the game outcome for I doubted I could ever go back to playing if another team beat us because of my mistake. Yet I often got a lot of blames and verbal lashing whenever we practiced for the mistakes I made. These situations did not help much as the only compounded my fears of playing. Luckily, I was not at fault all the times for on s ome occasions I made great plays that I was congratulated for. As I dawned on senior year of rugby, I was faced with starting positions and that made me felt like a whole changed person and helped in raising my confidence a lot. Rugby has taught me a lot over the years and the most important thing is that it taught me what it takes to succeed.     

Friday, November 1, 2019

Sustainability issues in providing Healthcare Services at Nicaragua Research Paper - 1

Sustainability issues in providing Healthcare Services at Nicaragua Canal Project - Research Paper Example However, the healthcare project in Nicaraguan canal and its rated issues has provoked Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility expertise to design health management program that proactively identifies its associated issues. Therefore, marketing, environmental management and human resources issues are identified within the organization Capacity Building, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability in order to initiate and implement mitigation measures. Analysis presented in this paper is helpful in understanding sustainability and health care services in relation to Nicaraguan canal development. Further analysis in this paper uncovers the entire organization dilemma, issues and concepts or approaches used to tackle in tackling all the related issues in relation to HCSS developers, locals and Federal Government agencies. In details, the paper explores and explains the Nicaraguan environmental issues exposing out the significance of the government structure and the corporate social responsibilities and the theories generated to support the arguments. Based on international context for sustainability, capacity building and Corporate Social Responsibility the paper critically evaluates the impacts of environmental implications in relation to the Nicaraguan environmental issues as well as business growth. As Nicaraguan healthcare program experiences foundational dilemmas from different components of marketing, environmental management to human resources dilemmas, environmental or operational management dilemmas are most critical dilemma that faces the Health care services program. The organizational dilemmas are identified as the core corporate responsibilities that function against the sustainability role in a government structure or non-profitable business providing a reliable tension between environment benefits and the societal deliveries. Conversely, as the